Noodlers Token

(Noods) V1

V 1 Token is no longer supported by Noodlers, its creator, team, or community.

V 1 Token is no longer supported by Noodlers, its creator, team, or community.

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Your investments are yours. You are the only one who can decide what to do.

Noods holders. I used V1 (Noods) and V2 (NOODS) to distinguish between the 2 contracts.

dated May 1, 24

No more discussion on what to do. Here it is.

In a nutshell.

I do not own, nor do I have any control over the Noodsv1 contract. I am a holder just like all of you.

I see the potential. I am now focusing all my efforts into NOODS. (v2). That is the last time I’ll use (v2). I will from this day forward refer to it as all capitols. NOODS.

The contact is done, and ready. I have all the information I need to move every holders wallet over as a % held total to the NOODS contract. I am doing this for the community. The Liquidity will be small. Attempts to sell large numbers of tokens will result in a dramatic drop in price. You may show you have a huge value, but the LP will reduce it as it sells. The only way we can really make this go is to hold. I know not all of you will. That’s life. More importantly, we really need to get this out there to the masses.

We can do this. Think NOODS and anything that you can play off of it. You see a post talking about warm weather, reply you’ll be out in the NOODS today. leave a link, you can hash tag #NOODS #Noodles # Noodlers and keep it to those 3. The more they are used the better. You can also use the word without the hashtag in your tweets and replies. You can go to a random space and listen for a few minutes then leave a reply with a link to the token.

We will create some quick links and funny sayings you can use. Anyone who would like to help create these please do so.

This About page will be changed to be an about page in the coming week. This is for update purposes only. Please see our new NOODS-Vision page for as regular as can be updates.